My Journey to supporting you

My gifts awoke when I heard an intuitive healer say; “listen to your heart, what does it want you to do?”

Her words had touched my heart. They led me on a journey of self discovery at the lowest time in my life.

For four years, all I wanted was a baby, it consumed me.

Doctors told me I had just a 5% chance of conceiving naturally, and that I was heading towards an early menopause at 30. 

I was physically, mentally and spiritually drained. But the idea of listening to my heart was worth investigating, and I’m so grateful I did. 

Together, she showed me how to release fears from my body. She gave me permission to believe in something that I thought was unbelievable - my future baby as a spiritual being, or also known as a Spirit Baby. 

From that moment on, I developed a deep sense of trust that our son would one day transition Earth-side.

I stopped ‘wanting’ and started ‘welcoming’ him. And I decided it was time to make friends with my womb again. 

This was my introduction to womb massage. I had heard about the benefits, but it wasn’t until I’d received a womb experience, that I realised just how powerful and incredibly healing it can be.

Physical touch to your abdomen and womb space holds the power to reconnect you to this divine, incredible portal. 

A year later, and to our delight, I naturally conceived and birthed our son. Two years later, I began to welcome in our daughter, and I’m now a forever grateful mummy-to-two-children. 

My journey to serve you, has led me to learn from many fantastic spiritual teachers. I trained with Sue Dumais, the intuitive healer whose words had touched my heart. I became one of her intuitive coaches, specifically interested in supporting women trying to conceive and calling in Spirit Babies.

Then, in 2019 I decided to become a qualified womb therapist. I was invited to sit in a circle with Clare Blake, the same womb therapist who had helped me. Combining, my intuitive work and hands on healing has transformed my Womb Experiences. I qualified as one of her womb therapists.  

Holding space for women, no matter where they are on their feminine journey, lights me up.

It’s such a privilege.

I’ve witnessed deep transformations here in The Womb Room, and with those whom I’ve worked with remotely.

I’ve had the honour of welcoming in many Spirit babies, (each baby receives a card from me, once they arrive Earth-side) and I’ve welcomed many exhausted Mothers, or those women who are curious. from the moment they arrived to the Womb Room, to the moment they left. that no matter what wa found it powerful to reconnect to their heart and womb.

It brings me such JOY to touch the hearts of women with my gifts.

No matter where you are on your feminine journey, The Womb Room offers powerful awakenings for you. 

If this resonates with you, be a YES to receive my love.

Heart Hugs. Joanne x


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And together lets consciously birth your deepest desires.