
Is your world changing?

Welcome Wise Women 

Whether you’re entering the last stage of your feminine journey - the menopause. Or you’re courageously stepping away from an unhealthy marriage, your womb is calling for you to reflect and release your partners energy.

A ‘Transition Womb Healing Experience,’ here in The Womb Room, will bring you clarity, self acceptance and a sense of gratitude for your womb. It’s a profound womb experience, waiting for you to honour your inner world, as you navigate your transition.


A ‘Womb Transitioning Experience’ begins with space for you to be heard.

Giving you space to share your truth, and for Joanne to offer her intuitive guidance.

Once complete, Joanne will invite you onto the massage bed.

With a high vibrational touch, Joanne will rock your body to release subconscious fears, and traumas.

Massaging your back, shoulders, abdomen and womb, will bring nourishment, harmony, acceptance and space for new energy to flow throughout your being.

Joanne will reunite you with your womb. A powerful portal that holds inner wisdom and craves your unconditional love. 

Then, cocooned in Rebozos, traditional Mexican shawls, you’ll feel their warmth, safety and protection, allowing you to take an inward journey into your heart and womb.

Guiding you on a meditation to open your heart and reunite you with a sense of peace, understanding and acceptance for what is.

Once complete, you’ll be rebirth.

Leaving you feeling calmer, connected with this natural evolution, and ready to welcome in a new partner, if that’s what you wish!

2hr+ ‘Womb Transitional Experience’ £240

Who’s a Womb Transitioning Experience for?

  • Women entering the peri-menopause and beyond.

  • Women who are feeling overwhelmed by busy family life.

  • Women who’s children are leaving the nest.

  • Women who’ve separated from a partner/husband and are ready to find new love. (By releasing an Ex emotionally & physically from your womb, you’ll be ready to find new love.)

    Can it help hormonally?

Yes! An abdominal massage brings fresh, oxygenated blood to your womb and organs, helping them to release tension and function better. It also further promotes optimal gut and hormonal health.

I feel uncomfortable showing my tummy?

You’re not alone, many people do. However, your inner world is calling you to love every part of your body. Joanne’s touch is gentle and of pure love. 

When’s best to receive?

For those still having a bleed, please come after day 3 or 4. For others, welcome any time.

The wise woman has called you to this page, be a YES to receive. 

2 hour ‘Womb Transitioning Experience’ - £240

For more questions, Visit The Womb Room

Kind Words

Every woman should experience this kind of work. To try to put into words the power of this investment in yourself almost takes away from the experience itself…so I shall leave it there lingering in the peace and stillness of that which we know to be true, our sacred space, the infinite power of creation that we hold should never, ever be underestimated…(to read more click here)

Anna, welcoming in new love, East Grinstead.

Intuitive Self-healing Coaching

From my heart, to your heart, I see you.